Gtec Kids' Blog Page


Heaping Pennies to Teach Group Cohesion

This experiment portrays the idea that group cohesion is stronger than the individual members who form the group.Essential Question: What is group cohesion? What is a team? Guiding Questions: For what reasons do people form groups (substitute teams for groups if you choose)? Generate a list of platforms used where people make connections to form groups. Describe in detail how groups are formed and made. Explain specifically what the group accomplishes. Describe the type of energy needed to fuel the existence of the group. In what...

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Carousel Brainstorming

 The Carousel Brainstorming strategy is easy to implement. Each cooperative group walks up to an open-ended question posted on chart paper, discusses it, brainstorms answers or solutions, and writes down responses within a given amount of time. When the teacher “carousels” students, or rotates the groups to new locations, they repeat the exercise with a new question. This time students must read the responses from the previous group(s) before they begin to write down new ideas.MaterialsDifferent colored markersChart paperMasking tape (Tape chart...

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