Gtec Kids' Blog Page


Sky Cannistraci

"I have thoroughly enjoyed my 3 years at Gtec. Although Gtec is wonderful, the time has come where there seem to be no more years for me, now that I'm graduating. I think back on all the singing, laughing, making things, and overall fun. I grow sad to leave this happy and creative community. Mia (my muppet) sits happily on my shelf and I dream of the magical, Time-Traveling Treehouse that we performed. I will miss you!"

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Matthew Steinberg

“I love G·tec and I want to do it next year! One of my favorite parts was where we pretended to be in court as a judge during Hammurabi’s time because it was fun. I also like the Greek Gods scavenger hunt and working in the woodshop.”

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Brian Danaher

“G·tec is fun, intellectually stimulating and awesome. I particularly liked the end of the year simulation. Think about making the sessions longer. G·tec is innovating (the arts), intellectually stimulating (3D perspective drawing), challenging (Leonardo da Vinci) and fun (Exploration). Mom and Dad, you are the best parents ever for sending me here to G·tec. Thank you, thank you, thank you. May I polish your shoes?”

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Lindsay Morgner

“G·tec is the best after-school activity there is! Everything is so much fun and I wish that it was longer. This year, I loved working in the woodshop. This is a fun, educational program where learning is basically playing. Thank youG·tec, I had so much fun that I wish that it didn’t end.”

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