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About G·tec Kids

Why G·tec Kids

Recognized by nationally renowned educators, artists and scientists, G·tec’s interdisciplinary program integrates visual art, history, science, and computer science in a stress-free environment with no homework and no test-taking.

At G·tec, your child is treated to a rich and personalized after-school learning experience that is both fun and fulfilling for the creative mind. Our warm, nurturing, and stress-free environment promotes higher-level thinking and creative problem-solving. Semi-private groups average four pupils. Children explore a series of themes through direct, hands-on experience and cooperative, small group study and interaction.

Like the many other children who have participated in G·tec, your son or daughter will benefit from our program, not only throughout their academic years but into their adult lives as well. Our program gives students an edge in an educational environment where critical thinking and innovation are essential. We prepare them for an exciting and ever-changing world by cultivating their creativity, talents, and intellect. Invest in your child’s potential at our academic enrichment and art center!

Negative And Positive Space Rotation
Who Should Enroll Gtec Kids

Who Should Enroll?

The program is for students in grades two through six who possess any of the following characteristics:

  • Highly creative in the arts though scholastically “average”
  • Displays clever or innovative thinking strategies and enjoys things such as wordplay
  • Above-average scholastically but needs more of a challenge to stimulate educational advancement

The best time to apply is when your child is either entering second or third grade. Space is limited as we only accept 8 new First-Year Studies students. For older students, the availability first goes to returning students before opening up to the general public.

Student application form can be submitted by invitation only.

Many of our students are referred by classroom teachers, school psychologists, or from other families who know (and love) the unique special environment that we provide.

Student’s Application Form

Our G·tec Name

The “G·tec” name signifies that children’s gifts and talents are explored, developed, and enhanced at our center.

We decided to name our website “G·tec kids” to honor our most valued clientele: our students. Through the kid’s page, and the web quests they find here, children will be motivated to further investigate and supplement what they have experienced in the regular classroom.

Gifted & Talented Enrichment Center = G·tec

Our Gtec Name Gifted and Talented Enrichment Center
Mission Statement Gtec Kids

Mission Statement

G·tec provides fun-filled, hands-on experiences, which develop children’s creativity and problem-solving skills. Our goal is to enhance student curiosity and interest and to motivate learning in a wide variety of fields.

Our enriched curriculum gives students an edge during their formative years where innovation and critical thinking are essential.

Bio/ Resume of Andi Stix Ed.D., Director and Founder

Dr. Andi Stix is the founder of Gtec Kids located in New Rochelle, New York. She teaches academic enrichment to all classes. Andi received her doctorate from Columbia University in the field of gifted and talented education, with a concentration in cognition. She received the Educator of the Year award from AGATE: The Advocacy Board for Gifted and Talented Education for the State of New York. For over 35 years, Dr. Stix was a national educational consultant and cognitive coach. Andi addressed conferences and conventions across the country as a keynote or seminar presenter.

Interviews with Dr. Stix have appeared in The New York Times and The Philadelphia Inquirer. She co-authored a series of books that focused on simulations and hands-on investigations for the secondary school market.

Exploring History was a three-time winner of the Social Studies Program of Excellence Award from New York State as well as the Social Studies Program of Excellence Certificate from the Middle States Council for the Social Studies. Their program received the Outstanding Curriculum Development Award from the National Association of Gifted Children.

Andi Stix Director Gtec Kids

Dr. Stix has also authored many books including Active Learning Across the Content Areas, the Active History series, Teachers as Classroom Coaches, Social Studies Strategies for Active LearnersUsing Literature and Simulations in Your Social Studies ClassroomIntegrated Cooperative Strategies for the Social Studies, Language Arts, and the HumanitiesStrategies for Student-Centered AssessmentTeaching Strategies for Cooperative Learning, Active Strategies for Curriculum Integration, and Pic-Jour Math. In addition, her published articles can be found in Social Education, the Middle School Journal Social Studies, and Gems of AGATE.

Besides her written work, Dr. Stix designed many math manipulatives for upper elementary and middle school youngsters. Her products include Fraction Rings for Decimals, Time, and Degrees, Picture Pi, Circle in a Square, Picture Grids, and Algecans.  Andi’s explanation of how the manipulatives could aid children’s visualization and journal writing was explained in her Pic-Jour Math book.

Blog for Parents

Index Cards

A List of Index Cards Games for Memorizating & Reinforcing Content

One of the most effective teaching strategy groups that is simple to implement involves inexpensive index cards. Whether students keep guided notes while they read text or...

Part 2 of flashcard games

Flashcard Games to Make Memorization Fun #2: Identity Crisis, Mad Libs, and Verbal Fluency

Memorization does not have to be boring! Are you in search of new ideas to make learning vocabulary fun? The good news is that there are plenty...


Flashcard Games to Make Memorization Fun #1: Carousel Brainstorming, Grab Bag, & Emotional Flashes

Memorization of concepts or vocabulary words can often become boring and take the fun out of learning. It can lead to frustration for students and parents alike....


How to Motivate Your Child to Learn?

Becoming a strong learner goes beyond the walls of a classroom. Parents want to help enhance each child’s desire and ability to learn. Below are some important...


Published Works for Teachers

Index Cards

A List of Index Cards Games for Memorizating & Reinforcing Content

One of the most effective teaching strategy groups that is simple to implement involves inexpensive index cards. Whether students keep guided notes while they read text or...


Helping Students Define Primary Source Documents

The primary source document has recently received more and more attention in national and state standards for all education levels.  And for the gifted student, the primary...


Four Corners Discussion

The Four Corners Discussion was adapted from the Academic Controversy strategy (Herreid, 1996) and is built around four answer choices, each one represented in a different corner...

The Magnetic Debate

The Magnetic Debate

The Magnetic Debate is a discussion strategy in which participants are given an opportunity to influence others through persuasive speeches, sincere advice, and education so an informed...
