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Index Cards

A List of Index Cards Games for Memorizating & Reinforcing Content

One of the most effective teaching strategy groups that is simple to implement involves inexpensive index cards. Whether students keep guided notes while they read text or keep a dictionary of new words in an index box, the following strategies offer ways to reinforce the content in an active manner.The basic principle of the index card strategy group is for students to write something down on an index card from their guided notes. Or, they can create a dictionary...

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Part 2 of flashcard games

Flashcard Games to Make Memorization Fun #2: Identity Crisis, Mad Libs, and Verbal Fluency

Memorization does not have to be boring! Are you in search of new ideas to make learning vocabulary fun? The good news is that there are plenty of ways to motivate your child so that (s)he can retain keywords and concepts. Below are some fun ideas and games to incorporate while at home.Identity Crisis: Write each vocabulary word on an index card. From the deck of cards, pick a card and tape it to your child’s back. Have him/her...

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Flashcard Games to Make Memorization Fun #1: Carousel Brainstorming, Grab Bag, & Emotional Flashes

Memorization of concepts or vocabulary words can often become boring and take the fun out of learning. It can lead to frustration for students and parents alike. Here are some motivating ways to learn new concepts while still having fun:Carousel Brainstorming: Place each key concept and/or vocabulary word on separate papers around a room in your home. Have your child walk from one paper to another and brainstorm the use of each word. Ask your child to look around...

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How to Motivate Your Child to Learn?

Becoming a strong learner goes beyond the walls of a classroom. Parents want to help enhance each child’s desire and ability to learn. Below are some important tips and strategies to motivate your child and help continue their love of learning:1) Encourage open and sincere communication: As a parent, it is important to create a safe and open atmosphere for your children to express their thoughts and opinions. When children feel like they are unable to express themselves or...

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How to Recognize When a Child is Gifted?

Sections of Amanda Marrone Interviewing Andi Stix on Sept. 1, 2017, NY Metro ParentsGifted kids show amazing talent that needs to be nurtured--but they can also display unique social and behavioral issues.Andi Stix, director of  G-tec Kids, a program for gifted and talented students in New Rochelle, NY, was teaching a math class about finding a pattern to discover the square root of any given number. The class eventually came up with a pattern, until one child proclaimed, “The...

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Measures of Success: A Debate of Social Intelligence vs Cognitive Skills

“Charlie’s a what? A multi-millionaire?” I blurted out during our 25th high school reunion. A fun, sweet kid… who would have “thunk”? Nice and charming to be with, but surely not someone with outstanding brainpower.On my drive home, I realized that the brilliant kids didn’t necessarily outshine the ordinary ones after being in the trenches for 20 years. The successful “Stevens” and the “Charlies” of my youth had something else: “soft skills” which are measures of success rather than...

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5 Ways to Cultivate Creative Thinking

 An article in the Pacific Standard (Nov 4th, 2013) discussed how standardized testing is killing our youth’s creative potential in the United States.  So, let’s counteract national demands and discuss how to harness and cultivate creativity in our children.Creativity is often thought of as original thought. However, it is more likely a composite of ideas, feelings, and thoughts that we encounter during everyday life. If we examine the great thinkers and producers over time, common characteristics become apparent: 1. Value BrainstormingOftentimes in a...

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Think Outside the Bowl

Inspiring Creativity: Think Outside the Bowl

With the resurgence of testing nationwide, many teachers report that they have to “cover the curriculum” rather than “uncover the curriculum.” With the Common Core Curriculum, parents express feeling exhausted from helping their children with increased homework to meet test expectations. Teachers are pushing to cover as much of the content necessary for their students to pass the state-level exams, sometimes given only 70% into the school year.So, it is not surprising that teachers see a change in their...

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Gifted Children - Gtec Kids

House of Representatives Water Down Senate Bill for Serving Gifted Children

 ESEA Bill Recognition of Need for Teacher Training to Support High-Ability Students; Lack of Focus on Accountability Remains a ConcernAccording to the NAGC:The House of Representatives passed its overhaul of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) in the past decade. The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) encouraged that the legislation recognize our nation’s teachers be well-trained to meet the needs of high-ability students. The House of Representatives approved H.R. 5, The Student Success Act.NAGC applauded lawmakers for including...

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5 Tips to Enhance Your Communication

 Whether you are a teacher or an administrator, creating trust is key to enhancing your ability to communicate effectively. Communication is a tool that we use daily and when we use the right words in the right way, they can work wonders even when things become a bit testy.Most of us think that we communicate well, but research has shown that we are surprisingly becoming more and more unskilled with the advent of email, texting, and a plethora of...

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