Fraction Rings: Teaching Time, Decimals and Degrees
(c) 1993 Fraction Rings designed by Andi Stix were produced by Cuisenaire Company of America. This set of math manipulative rings are to be used with Fraction Circles. Order a set at:
Andi Stix is an educational consultant & coach who specializes in differentiation, interactive learning, writing across the curriculum, classroom coaching, and gifted education. For further information on her specialties or social media, please email her on the Contact page.
brainstorm, brainstorming, communication, comprehension, concept integrated, differentiation, discovery learning, empowering students, fractions, fractions and decimals, fractions and degrees, fractions and time, hands-on learning, intrinsic motivation, journal writing, learning styles, making connections, Manipulatives, Math, math manipulatives, math strategies, mathematical instruction, mathematical understanding, mathematics, memory, multi-modal instruction, pic-jour math, pictorial journal writing, problem solving, teaching decimals, teaching degrees of a circle, teaching fractions, teaching math, teaching mathematics, teaching strategies, Teaching Strategies and tagged art and math, time and degrees, time and fractions, visual imagery, visualization